Centro Servizi Calza was founded as a service to businesses established in the last decade of the 1900s in response to the needs of the women’s hosiery district in Castel Goffredo, in an area located to the northwest of the province of Mantova on the border with the provinces of Brescia and Cremona.

A willingness to work with local companies, banks and businessmen led to its launch with the aim of proactively supporting the growth of the sector.
Attention to product quality, training, technological innovation and style were among the initial proposed characteristics of the business and these still continue today with the addition of new lines linked to a new economic and environmental context.
Among these we can recall an emphasis on the internationalization of businesses and the provision of information and relations on the local textile-hosiery industry to local businesses, public institutions and the numerous stakeholders involved.
Effective support and collaboration with all businesses in the industry and local area are the driving goals behind Centro Servizi Calza; a domestic company at the service of an extended business network.